Assessment in school is undertaken to ensure that all our children are making progress.
Assessment happens in a variety of ways across the school and measures in place allow teachers to track children's progress, identify areas of strength and also identify areas that need further work or support. This is shared with the children too so they are able to know 'the things that they need to get better at'.
Assessment is an ongoing process. Teachers will assess children's work on a daily basis through marking, discussions and feedback. More formal assessments may take place at the end of a unit of work or term. These assessments can consist of short tests or independent activities. Teachers ensure that children are supported as necessary, for example: working in small groups so that questions can be read or giving practical resources such as counters or cubes.
Assessments are made against National Curriculum statements and statements from our progression grids. Using a criteria system we are able to identify whether a child is working towards, working at or working with a greater depth of the objectives for their relevant year group.
In Autumn Term and Spring Term we hold Parents' Evenings to share your child's progress and inform you of where they are working. If any concerns or issues arise in the meantime, we will of course inform you too. In Summer Term, a written report for your child is sent home and a Parents' Evening is also made available should you wish.
National Assessments take place in EYFS, Year One and Year Two.
EYFS - Baseline Assessments are made within the first 6 weeks of the children starting school this information is reported and is used to monitor progress through your child's education. The EYFS Profile is also completed on each child and this summarises and describes the attainment at the end of EYFS. These assessments are done through teacher observations of the children, children do not sit a test.
Year 1 Phonics Screening takes place in the Summer Term of Year 1. Children work with an adult they know on a 1:1 basis reading a number of real and 'alien' words. This screening is to ascertain the number of children who have reached a secure level of phonetical knowledge.
Year 2 SATs are no longer compulsory but we will be using them still to support our teacher assessment in the summer. The tests are in Reading and Maths. There is also a teacher assessment made on writing too. These assessments are to identify the children who are working towards, working at or working at a Greater Depth level at the Key Stage One curriculum.
We endeavour to support and prepare your children for these National Assessments without creating any undue pressures. If you have any further questions, please do speak to your child's teacher.