Autumn 1 Overview
Autumn 1 Overview
Autumn 1
Welcome to Year 1
Woodpeckers - Teachers: Mrs Clark & Miss Dunne Teaching Assistant: Mrs Williams
Barn Owls - Teacher: Miss Jones Teaching Assisstants: Mrs Jervis & Mrs Callendar
Additional Support across Year 1: Mrs Butler
Important Weekly Timetable
Wednesday; Woodpeckers PE day (come into school in the correct PE uniform) and homework to be handed in
Friday: Reading Books to be brought into school
Friday; Barn Owls PE day (come into school in the correct PE uniform) and Reading books, Homework books and star words will be sent out
Please note children will be getting their new books on Friday 13th September.
Curriculum Overview
This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we would love to see any learning linked to this at home too.
Story - Paper Planes ( Please do not share this story with the children until we have in class)
In this unit the children will be reading an exciting story that covers hobbies and friendship. They will be immersed in new and exciting vocabulary which will capture their imaginations as they begin their learning journey in Year One. They will analyse the text in order to better understand sentence and story structure. As the unit progresses, the children will use what they have learnt to plan and write their own story.
We will be focusing on:
- Capital letters and full stops
- Letter formation
- Using adjectives correctly
- Correct spacing between letters and words
- Handwriting
Read Write Inc
Children will attend daily phonics groups based on their assessment. Children who have come off the phonics programme will focus on spelling and different comprehension style questions.
Children will be doing daily Singapore Maths lessons. These lessons allow the children to explore a problem utilising a selection of resources to support their learning. This also allows the children to discover different methods to solve the problem and enables them to see links between the different areas of the Maths curriculum. There will be additional challenge involved to ensure mastery of number appropriate for every child's level of learning.
We will be focusing on:
- Numbers to 10
- Number bonds to 10
- Addition and Subtraction within 10
- Understanding more than and less than.
The children will be learning about the human body. They will name and locate parts of the body. They will also learn about the senses and how we use our senses day-to-day.
This half term we will be learning about the toys that our grandparents played with in the past. We will explore old toys and compare them to present day toys. (If you have any toys from this era that your child can bring in to school for w/c 7th October this would be very helpful please - please put your child's name on so this can be returned)
In Geography this half term we will be learning about mapping skills. We will look at aerial maps of our school and classroom. We will enjoy making a messy map, mapping out our classroom using craft objects and we will be creating a map of our school grounds. We will be using maps, globes, and on-line Google Earth to better understand the geography of our school. (If your child has a map of somewhere they have visited recently this can be brought in to share w/c 9th September)
We will be learning about Christianity.
- How was the world created? We will be discussing both the Humanist and Christian views on creation.
- The Creation Story timeline.
- Who is supposed to look after our world?
- How can we care for our planet?
In Art we will be using our senses to think about emotions and how this can be shown through painting and drawing. We will create artwork using different painting and drawing skills to reflect different moods.
In DT we will be learning how to cut food safely and how to prepare a simple meal, such as soup or fruit salad.
PE will be taught by Mr Lewis. This term they will be focussing on Fundamental Movement Skills.
This half term we will be focusing on keeping children safe online and technology around the school.
We will be listening to different genres of music and finding the beat, pulse and pitch. We will use our voices to sing the melody. We will begin to make our own music on un-tuned instruments.
Being me in my World:
Children will talk about why their class is a safe place to learn. They will give different examples of where they or others make their class safe and happy. They will begin to explain why their behaviour can have an impact on other people in their class.
Important Dates
12th September - Woodpeckers & Barn Owls Meet the teacher 3.30pm or 4pm
27th September - Tennis morning and Macmillan Cake and Coco afternoon
10th October - Individual photographs
23rd October - Whole School Harvest Festival (Year 2 parents invited)