
Welcome to Pre-School's Homepage

Pre-school's hours are:

Morning Session is 8.45am to 11.45am

Lunch Club is 11.45am to 12.30pm

Afternoon Session is 12.30pm to 3.30pm

For the first few weeks the most important thing to do is to settle the children in and allow them to fully enjoy their new environment.  During this time the adults observe the children and plan the best support for each child on their entry into Preschool.

Once a few weeks have passed and the children feel more confident about settling in, you will begin to notice their confidence and independence starting to blossom.  There is so much potential in every one of them.  The Preschool staff are very proud to be supporting their learning.

In order to learn how to fully support each child’s learning we spend the first few weeks really getting to know them.  We establish their likes and dislikes so that the curriculum themes can be designed to reflect their preferences.  Once the children have settled in and are familiar with the routines and expectations, we will plan activities that will forward their learning at a pace designed for their individual needs.  The children work on hanging up their own coats on their pegs, placing their bottles and lunch boxes in the designated areas and placing their bags in their trays.  It is important they recognise their own names as quickly as possible to help them with these tasks.  The children complete a variety of daily tasks to support the recognition of their names.

Whenever we see the children trying really hard or following our class rules or simply just being great, their efforts are rewarded.  Look out for completed sticker charts in their book bags. 

The main coverage for each theme will be from the 3 prime areas (Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development) with additional coverage of the four specific areas (Maths, Literacy, Expressive Arts and Design, and Understanding of the World) through a balance of adult led and child initiated activities.  Copies of the themes coverage will be added to the school website regularly.

Preschool love to learn through play.  Finger gym activities help to strengthen little fingers so that they can soon become excellent writers.  Playing in the sand and water trays are a must at this age.  We like to alternate between the two, to strengthen the different muscles and teach different skills.  

During the Autumn term, the children explore more about themselves and their families as we complete our Marvellous Me theme.  This will include talking about what the children enjoy doing both inside and outside of school – photographs placed on tapestry will be a great discussion starting point – so cameras ready everyone and please add lots of pictures to your child’s learning journal.

We will continue to expand our learning about the facial features and explore what we use them for; supporting our communication, listening and investigation skills.  The children will start to join in with phonics sessions phase 1, ready for RWI sessions later in the year.

Concentrating on PSED objectives the adults will continue to model how to show an interest in others play and keep play going by responding to others and initiate play; helping the children to seek others to share experiences with.  As we follow the class and school rules the children will learn to inhibit own actions and avoid doing things they should not do; in keeping with the school expectations.

The second part of the Autumn term, Preschool begin to prepare for Winter and our Christmas production.  The children investigate light and dark - building dens to use the torches.  The children enjoy exploring our alien theme; enjoying the book 'Aliens who love underpants' and build rockets to take them into space.  This is a great time to explore numbers and shapes.  Preschool staff continue with phonic sessions and widen sound knowledge using a variety of instruments. Listen out for the children singing their Christmas songs as rehearsals start and the countdown to Christmas begins.  If we are really good we may get a visit from Santa.  

At the start of the Spring Term the weather is usually still very cold and icy, Preschool explores winter pictures and travels round the world.  Firstly we explore the colder arctic regions. then we travel over to China the children experience Chinese New Year.  This is a good time to learn about a wide variety of animals from around the world.  Photographs of the children's holiday snaps are welcome and used to fill the 'Knowledge of the world' display.

As the world begins to see more sunshine and growth appearing, Preschool read stories about Percy the Park keeper and his woodland friends.  The children make animal models and explore the school's 'enchanted woods' and the pond.  Wellies may be needed - weather depending. 

During the summer term the Preschool staff begin to prepare the children for F2.  The children visit the F2 classes and share play times. They get to meet the new staff, ready for September and join in with whole school activities such as sports week. 

Although we have long term plans to ensure progressive learning takes place throughout the year and through the whole school, we keep themes as flexible as possible in Preschool.  The staff like to allow the children to drive the learning to ensure their needs and wishes are met during their time with us. 

By using Tapestry as a way of sharing, we can record what the children like to do whilst they are in Preschool but just as importantly what they do at home.  Greasby Infant Preschool believes the best way forward for every child is to start their education with good home/school communication system.  Please feel free to add photographs and comments about your child's learning in their Tapestry online journal and let us know about their current interests through out the year.   

The Preschool Team 

Mrs Settle and Mrs Shaughnessy