Spring 1 Overview

Spring 1 Overview

Spring 1 Overview


Teachers :

Woodpeckers - Teachers: Mrs Clark & Miss Dunne  Teaching Assistant: Mrs Williams

 Barn Owls - Teacher: Miss Jones   Teaching Assistants: Mrs Jervis & Mrs Callendar

 Additional Support across Year 1: Mrs Butler




Important Weekly Timetable




Tuesday; Woodpeckers & Barn Owls additional PE day (come into school in the correct PE uniform)

Wednesday; Woodpeckers PE day (come into school in the correct PE uniform) and homework to be handed in

Thursday: Reading Books to be brought into school, new books come back on the Friday. 

Friday; Barn Owls PE day  (come into school in the correct PE uniform) and Reading books, Homework books and star words will be sent out



Curriculum Overview

Again we have lots of fun learning mapped out for the children this half term. We are really pleased with the work the children are also doing at home, so thank you all for your support in this. 




Story - Hermelin, Mini Grey  (Please do not share this story with the children until we have in class) 

In this unit the children will be reading about a very inquisitive mouse, Hermelin. They will be enjoying new language from this rich text and starting to apply this new language into their work. They will be working towards writing their own crime-solving story. 

We will be focusing on:

  • Correct punctuation and word spacing. 

  • Correct Letter formation and letters consistently neat and on the line. 

  • Varying our adjectives to make our writing exciting. 

  • Using different suffixes -ed -ing and -est (verbs)

  • Using the prefix un-


Read Write Inc

Children will attend daily phonics groups based on their assessment. Children who have come off the phonics programme will focus on spelling and different comprehension style questions.




Children will be doing daily Singapore Maths lessons. These lessons allow the children to explore a problem utilising a selection of resources to support their learning. This also allows the children to discover different methods to solve the problem and enables them to see links between the different areas of the Maths curriculum. There will be additional challenge involved to ensure mastery of number appropriate for every child's level of learning. 

This half term we  will be focusing on: 

  • Position
  • Multiplication & Division
  • Place Value
  • Numbers to 40
  • One more & one Less 
  • Counting in 2s, 5s, 10s.  





The children will be learning all about animals including humans. They will learn to identify different animals and sort them into groups.  


Children will be learning about different technology from the past. They will get to explore artefacts from the past, including old computers and telephones and they will discuss the similarities and differences to today's equivalent. 



In Geography this half term we will be learning about the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas. Children will be able to name all 4 countries of the UK and locate them on a map. They will also be able to locate the surrounding seas. 



During RE this half term, the children will be exploring the theme 'Jesus as a Friend' as part of learning about the religion Christianity. They will be following sequential steps to answer the enquiry question 'Was it always easy for Jesus to show friendship?'. 



In Art, the children are going to be studying Piet Mondrian and Wassily Kandinsky as abstract artists. They will explore primary and secondary colours and by the end of term they will create their own piece of abstract art work using inspiration from both artists. 




The children are going to continue having two PE lessons per week. Their topics for this half term are Gymnastics and Invasion Game Skills. 



This half term we will be focusing on digital painting. Children will familiarise themselves with painting programmes and be able to manipulate the mouse, or screen to create their own pictures. 



We will be continuing to find the pulse, rhythm and beat of the music. Children will be Exploring Sounds, listening, singing and playing tuned and un-tuned instruments. 



This half term, the children will be exploring the theme of 'Dreams and Goals' in their weekly Jigsaw lessons. The children will be learning and discussing how to face challenges, how to set goals and the importance of working hard to achieve success.



Children will learn about the importance of The Three Kings in Spain. They will learn vocabulary for Winter and winter clothes. They will also learn about the Carnival celebration. 


Important Dates: 

Y1 visit to church 'Hope Journey' (morning) - 9th January 

Valentine Disco - 7th February 

Break up for February Half Term - 14th February