Autumn 2 Overview
Autumn 2
Skylarks - Mrs Whelan, Mrs Pollitt and Mrs Hamilton
Starlings - Mrs Brandreth, Mr Lewis
Students - Mrs Mooney and Miss Payas
Additional support across year 2 - Mrs Butler
Important Weekly Timetable
Monday; Skylarks PE (PE kit)
Tuesday; Starlings PE (PE kit)
Wednesday; Starlings PE day (come into school in the correct PE uniform) and homework to be handed in
Thursday; Skylarks PE day (come into school in the correct PE uniform) and reading books to be returned
Friday; Reading books and star words will be sent out
Curriculum Overview
This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we would love to see any learning linked to this at home too.
Story - The Night Gardner( Please do not share this story with the children until we have in class)
This half term we will be focusing on a setting description.
We will be focusing on:
- Capital letters and full stops
- Letter formation
- Prepositional language
- Using the conjunctions; and, but, because, when, so
- Correct spacing between letters and words
- Handwriting
- Statements and questions
Read Write Inc
Children will attend daily phonics groups based on their assessment. Children who have come off the phonics programme will focus on spelling and different comprehension style questions.
In math we will be investigating the multiplication of 2, 5 and 10. Children will have the opportunity to understand what multiplication means and what it looks like. We will the move on to division of 2, 5 and 10. Children will look at different ways of sharing, including sharing and grouping before covering division by 2, 5 and 10. Children will also investigate links between multiplication and division and odd and even numbers.
This half we are learning all about our local area. Comparing Greasby now to 100 years ago. If you have any photos please feel free to send them in.
In Geography we will be learning about the four countries that make up the UK and the capital cities.
We will be learning about Christianity. They will be learning:
* How to solve a problem by showing love.
* About the Christmas story and start to explain that Christians believe Jesus
was a gift from God.
* Why Christians think God gave Jesus to the world.
* About the Christmas story and start to explain that Christians believe Jesus
was a gift from God.
* Why Christians think God gave Jesus to the world.
This half term the children will be learning about living things and their habitats and food chains.
In Art we will be creating Remembrance Day pictures using different shading techniques.
In DT we will be designing, making and evaluating a felt animal. They will be developing their sewing skills.
In PE, we are focusing on developing the children's basic gymnastic skills and using their bodies to sequence movements to create a dance.
In this unit of work, we celebrate South African music. The children will learn to:
* Find the pulse in the music
* Recognise and name two or more instruments
* Play an instrument in time with the music
Important Dates
Mon 4th Nov - Return to school
Mon 11th Nov - Y2 Remembrance Visit to St Johns
Wed 13th Nov and Thursday 14th Nov - Parents Evening
Tues 19th Nov - Whole School Welly Walk
Thu 5th Dec - Hope Journey Y2
Wed 11th Dec - Rudolph Run
Wed 18th Dec - Year Nativity 13.30pm (pre school entrance)
Thurs 19th Dec - Break Up