Spring 2 Overview
Spring 2
Skylarks - Mrs Whelan, Mrs Pollitt and Mrs Hamilton
Starlings - Mrs Brandreth, Mr Lewis
Additional support across year 2 - Mrs Butler
Important Weekly Timetable
Monday; Skylarks PE (PE kit)
Tuesday; Starlings PE (PE kit)
Wednesday; Starlings PE day and homework to be handed in
Thursday; Skylarks PE day and reading books to be returned
Friday; Reading books and star words will be sent out
Curriculum Overview
This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we would love to see any learning linked to this at home too.
Story - Grandad's Island ( Please do not share this story with the children until we have in class)
This half term we will be focusing on a narrative and a letter.
We will be focusing on:
- Capital letters and full stops
- Cursive handwriting
- Past and present tense
- Using the conjunctions; and, but, because, when, so
- Possessive apostrophes
- Expanded noun phrases
- Exclamation sentence types
Read Write Inc
Children will attend daily phonics groups based on their assessment. Children who have finished the phonics programme will focus on spelling and different comprehension style questions.
In maths we will review previously learnt concepts and extends pupils to find fractions of whole numbers/quantities by the end of the unit. The unit begins by having pupils make equal parts, focusing on making halves, quarters and thirds. Then pupils learn to name fractions of the same denominations. After this, pupils learn about equal fractions, primarily looking at halves and quarters. They then move on to comparing and ordering fractions and counting wholes and parts. Pupils learn to count in halves, quarters and thirds, finishing the unit by finding parts of a set and part of a quantity.
This half term our focus will be learning Christianity. They will be learning:
* To retell the Easter story and understand what Jesus' resurrection means for Christians.
This half term the children will be learning about plants.
* What plants need to grow.
* What is inside a seed
* Life cycle of a plant
* What plants need to stay healthy.
* How plants grow in hot, dry and cold places.
In DT we will be learning about the artist Romero Britto and the children will be responding to his work.
In PE, we are focusing on developing the children's dance skills and learning different target games.
Important Dates
Monday 24th February - Return to School
- Liverpool Football Tournament
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Sunday 9th March - A Stage Full of Stars (Floral Pavilion)
Tuesday 11th March - 15 Year 2 children to Athletics at Activity for All
March 19th and 20th - Parents Evening
Friday 21st March - Comic Relief
Thursday 27th March - Rock Steady Concert
Friday 4th April - Break Up