At Greasby Infant School we love to offer our children lots of opportunities to expand their skills in PE.

Curriculum Intent

  • All children will enjoy and achieve through an engaging, progressive and inclusive PE curriculum.
  • A broad range of high-quality sporting opportunities will challenge our pupils to engage and succeed in developing their fundamental physical skills and improve their health and wellbeing.
  • They will develop as they progress through the school, becoming physically literate and building their physical skills as a foundation for the next step on their journey.
  • Children will excel in their knowledge and skills through engagement with a range of experts, exposing them to the role of sports in people’s lives.
  • Pupils will leave the school with the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes to prepare them for a healthy, active lifestyle as they progress through school and promote a lifelong love of sport.
  • They will enjoy and see the value of competition and enjoy opportunities for sporting events that develop their skills, character and allow them to become passionate sports people.


  • All teachers’ subject knowledge and use of feedback, deepening, challenging & supporting learning in the subject are at least good.
  • All staff’s high expectations are reflected in well planned and sequenced learning and activities, developing skills progressively.
  • PE equipment is regularly maintained and stored centrally to allow accessibility to all.
  • Impact of teachers / leaders subject assessments on embedding knowledge and skills informs teaching.
  • Sequential teaching and reinforcement of previous skills to develop new skills.


  • Pupils are acquiring knowledge and skills required within the subject area
  • Quality of work across PE is of at least a good quality in all year groups.
  • Pupils are reaching the required end points in the subject and are making good progress including SEND
  • Pupils are well prepared for the next stage of learning, year group, key stage or employment including the best outcomes for SEND & disadvantaged pupils.