Science Curriculum Intent

Science CurriculuStatement of Intent


At Greasby Infant School, we recognise the importance of Science in all aspects of daily life.  Science provides children with the opportunity to understand the world around them and provides an exciting context to apply many of the other skills they learn at school. We believe that children learn science best through practical, hands-on activities and by providing the children with a range of opportunities to actively carry out science investigations and enquiries.

 Through our science lessons at Greasby Infant School we aim to develop curiosity, enjoyment, scientific skills and concepts, and a growing understanding of scientific knowledge in all of our children. We encourage them to raise questions and investigate the world in which they live.

At Greasby Infant School, in line with the National Curriculum and EYFS Curriculum, our Science teaching offers opportunities for children to:

  • develop their scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding
  • develop the essential scientific enquiry skills to deepen their scientific knowledge
  • develop their knowledge and understanding of fair testing
  • use a range of methods to communicate and record their scientific information
  • develop a respect for the materials and equipment they handle with regard to their own and other children’s safety
  • develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment of scientific learning and discovery
  • be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future


The teachers plan each unit of work as a linked series of lessons. These lessons give the children ample time to explore key concepts, gather information, ask and answer questions and conduct investigations and/or experiments. 

Our science lessons also provide opportunity for the children to work collaboratively, either in pairs or small groups.  In this way the children can further develop their understanding through learning from one another.

Teachers tailor lessons to suit the individual needs of the children, ensuring appropriate support and differentiation for all groups of pupils so that all children can access the science curriculum.

Teachers use a wide range of resources in lessons to support the children’s learning.  Practical, hands-on activities are at the heart of our science lessons which not only supports the children’s knowledge and understanding but also helps to foster enjoyment and enthusiasm of science across the school.


Teachers will deliver a high-quality science curriculum for pupils that is well planned and demonstrates a clear progression of knowledge, skills and understanding across the year groups.

Each term teachers will use a variety of assessment tools to ascertain progress including book scrutiny, pupil discussion about their learning, science quizzes and science tests. 

The children at Greasby Infants enjoy and value science and appreciate the range of skills it will provide them with.

The children will have the confidence to ask their own questions relating to science and will begin to think about how they are able to find the answers to those questions through scientific enquiry.