
At Greasby Infant School we love to offer our children lots of opportunities to expand their skills in art. 
Curriculum Intent
  • Art curriculum reflects breadth and ambition for all pupils (incl. SEND & DAP)- securing knowledge & culture capital for success in life.
  • Art curriculum is planned and sequenced towards knowledge and skills for future success.
  • Art curriculum is clearly planned (in long, medium & short term) and building towards clear end points.
  • Art curriculum is broad and balanced, and the subject content is taught in a logical progression, systematically and explicitly – so that all pupils acquire the intended knowledge & skills.
  • Art curriculum is designed, adapted and developed to meet the needs of the context of all the pupils and especially the needs of SEND pupils.
  • All teachers' subject knowledge and use of feedback, deepening, challenging & supporting learning in the subject are at least good.
  • Extent to which teaching is supporting knowledge development, making & securing long term memory.
  • All Staff’s high expectations reflected in well planned and sequenced learning meeting subject aims, providing challenge for all pupils- developing knowledge to clear end points.
  • Art teaching materials and approaches reflect ambition, are well sequenced in Knowledge & Skills and support ‘subject intent’.
  • Impact of teachers’/ leaders’ subject assessments on embedding knowledge, checking understanding & informing teaching.
  • Sequential teaching and reinforcement of reading, (incl. phonics where appropriate) in the subject curriculum area, is leading to pupils developing fluency, confidence and enjoyment of reading.
  • Pupils are acquiring the detailed knowledge & skills required within the subject area.
  • Quality of work across the Art is of at least a good quality in all year groups.
  • Pupils are reaching the required ‘end points’ in the subject (including the outcomes in tests -where appropriate-reflected in progress and attainment). – including for the least and most able.
  • Within Art, reading is promoted widely & often at an age appropriate level leading to fluency, comprehension and enjoyment.
  • Within Art, RE is promoted at an age appropriate level to reinforce application of knowledge, concepts & procedures.
  • Pupils’ are well prepared for next stage of learning, year group, key stage or employment, including the best outcomes for SEND & disadvantaged pupils.