Religious Education

RE Intent

At Greasby Infant School, our RE curriculum develops the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society and the global community. Our children are predominantly white British with a minority from a different religious background. Therefore we want to give our children a breadth of experiences, educating them in the principal religions which they may not have opportunity to encounter in their everyday lives. We wish them to approach new experiences with openness, compassion and acceptance and develop an understanding of a world which is ever growing in diversity. 

Children develop a knowledge and understanding of the nature of religion and religious beliefs, explore the way that religious beliefs shape people’s life and conduct and start to consider their own response to the religious dimension of life as they start to develop their own beliefs and values.
Our curriculum for Religious Education is based on the Wirral Agreed Syllabus for RE and is tailored carefully to reflect the needs of the children in our school. We enhance our curriculum through our close links with local organisations such as St. John’s and The Methodist Churches. We draw on the expertise and resources of our local Minority Ethnic Achievement Service, with workshops designed to broaden pupil awareness of the multi-cultural world in which we live.

It is our intent that our children will leave us with an age appropriate knowledge, forming their own beliefs and ideas, religious or otherwise, which will shape them as they enter their next steps in education and continue to build upon in their adult life. 


The children in 1SC had a great time making Challah bread as part of their Judaism topic.  They listened to a special Jewish blessing before they enjoyed eating the warm bread.